Well its been a while since I've posted something and a lot has happened. The semester is flying by real quick and my work is stacking up. So I'll try and make this quick.
First off, during the last week of February....Gosh, it seems so long ago. I took a visit to the Garden Atriums in Poquoson.
The air in this place was better for you than the air outside. Its so lush and vegetated that you question wether you are inside or outside.
These homes truly use sustainable techniques, by utilizing natural light, solar heating, night purging, thermal mass, recycled materials, solar energy. Just to name a few. The fact is, you can really notice it when it is 30 degrees outside and 70 inside, all done without gas or electricity. You will also notice it at the end of the month when you get your utilities bill and it is close to nothing.
Next on the agenda was a spring trip to Prague to experience an amazing urban fabric, beautiful architecture and get a little culture, Dark Pivo!
We documented our time in Prague through sketches and photographs. The collection we accumulated was pretty overwhelming,(over 300 sketches!) but record, record, record was all we could do when in such a unique place so far from home.
Now I cant reveal too much about the trip cause I wouldn't want to spoil our exhibition and presentation. So if your interested you'll just have to show up in Bemis on April 18th.
Just recently I tagged along on a class trip to Charletsville to check out the EcoMod house that the architecture students at UVA designed and built.
This is another place that has great examples of sustainable design(less then $100 a month in utilities). The great thing about this place is that it was an old shotgun house that was restored and made more suitable for people today.
Ill have to say that it was really inspiring to see what a group of dedicated students can do. I only hope that Hampton will have opportunities like this one day.
Amongst other things, Im currently in the process of designing a rowhouse. Lucky for me I got a chance to see first hand some great examples of sustainable design that I can incorporate into my rowhouse.
The form of my design was heavily influenced by natural lightning and a community roof space. I want to enhance the community space of the site by adding another level to it and by bringing it into each of the homes.
Well the design is still in the works and the clock is ticking fast. Its gonna be nose to the grindstone for the next 5 weeks and Im sure it will feel more like 5 days.
Good stuff man!
Stu Rose rocks. He highly influenced my competition entry last summer. He is an architect who knows what he wants. He just needs some promo. the section models look great. It ties in well from the cabin project
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