So in order to make sure Im ready, I have been sketching every chance I get. Im trying to get my hand and eye tuned to the same key. The practice is a lot of fun. I really enjoy sketching especially the more I do it because I notice my improvements. Sometimes Ill see something randomly and say to myself, "I want to draw that", and normally when I do, those are the sketches that come out looking good. Its also just an urge I have to satisfy sometimes. If I haven't put ink to paper in a while I'll have to make it a point to go sketch something.
Here is a list of some of my sketches over the last few weeks. Some were drawn on site, some from photographs, and some I made up.
If anyone has any techniques, suggestions or critics they would like to share please let me know. I normally use ink when sketching, and sometimes pencil, but I would like to experiment with some other media. Thanks.